Wednesday, June 24, 2009


In this post i wrote about my search for a interior designer in rockhampton. I had approched a local firm and they had not made contact with me. So , yesterday i bit the bullet and dropped into their offices.
They apologised and told me that they would be in contact in the next few days to make an appointment. This morning i got an email to inform me that they are to busy to take on our project, And thanked me for contacting them. What the ... ???

My husband thought it was hilaroius, that i had been rejected ! He speculated that they thought i looked/acted to bogan to be able to afford their services.
And it got me thinking why i was rejected.....

So, i am am still looking.... looking for the designer to help with our amazing project !

1 comment:

Sandrine said...

...Hope you find some help for your project...we are looking at building on the Sunshine Coast and got rejected by Builders too as we have a very sloppy block!I thought people were after business these days...:)