Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Party Dilemma .... But it is not all about me

(Last years cake , with the birthday boy in the back ground)

SO, i love parties, I love throwing parities, i love the planning, creating, theming, organising , writing the lists, and then making all the beautiful food.

This year, My Master M turns 5, we have also recently moved to a new town and i really don't know that many people.

Today , Master M informs me that he is inviting everyone in his class , plus his friends next door to his big birthday party. He has picked out a cake from my cake book, and so, it seems we are having a party. (Why am i surprise, he is my son)

My hesitation is that i don't know any of the other mums, they don't seem to be overly friendly at drop off and pick up time at school. I am sure they are just shy , or maybe they don't want to talk to the mum they all don't know.

As my husband keeps reminding me , "It is not all about me" , and so to keep the boy happy i have agreed.

So, i am inviting 17 kids from school and their parents to a birthday party at our house. (plus our neighbor and her boys)

Should be very interesting ..... thank goodness it is still a while away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very brave to invite 17 children!!! Hope it goes brilliantly :)