Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is currently Master M's Fave book , we have read it every night for months and months.
If you have children, nieces or nephews, you must add this to 'the must buy list'.
It is an easy, fun read !


Han & Moo said...

I must add this to the list! A lot of people told me to buy 'The Gruffalo' and 'The Wonky Donkey'!

We are off to the big smoke this weekend so book store will be the first stop!! xx

Camarli said...

Oh, we love the Gruffalo. At first i was concerned that it might be a little bit scary for a 5yo , but he loves it !

Teneal said...

I loved this as a kid! My grade 1 teachers made us do a project to guess who did indeed skin the boat using a plastic 'boat' and play dough before finishing the boat.

We didn't get it, and were still shocked by the ending :P